4th Annual National Craft for your Local Shelters Day - The results are in!

HUGE shout out to Quality Sewing &Vacuum in Seattle for letting me host this special event in their store and use their sewing machines!

We completed: 31 beds, 28 dog toys, and 49 bandanas

We had volunteers of all ages stop by to donate their time and talent.

All of our fabric and materials were donated by volunteers and customers. 

We made quite the mess, but everything turned out beautiful and I can't wait to see the shelter animals using our hand-crafted items!

All items are being donated to Seattle Animal Shelter.  Check out a few of the shelter models below available for adoption!

Until next year, furiends!

Erika and Sebastian


catsrul said...

What an incredible achievement, and I bet the shelter was extremely grateful. You are awesome!

Anonymous said...

This event looks like a fun way to bring animal lovers together for a worthy cause. And crafting with others stimulates such creativity and conversation. Congrats to all involved!

Robin said...

This is such a nice project! Doing crafts together can be a great bonding experience for the people involved. It's a nice way to help people to feel some ownership in what is going on with the local shelters too. Thanks for being so generous!

Unknown said...

This is such a great idea! I love the bandannas, in particular. That little pop of color could be just what a pet needs in order to get noticed. Good for you!

Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

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