Give your pooch something of his own to bark about this year when your guests "ooooh" and "aaaaah" at your glimmering Christmas Tree!
I adopted Sebastian the morning of Christmas Eve last year so this Christmas will be extra special as we celebrate our one year anniversary as a family.
This ornament is sooooooo easy and fun. Just follow these simple steps to create your own:
First things first - make sure your pooch's paw is clean to avoid a dirty paw print! Roll a piece of Sculpey into a ball and then flatten it with your hand (Sculpey can be bought at any craft store).
Make sure you have enough to fit the whole paw plus additional room for decor and ribbon hole. The first thing you want to do is the actual paw print, trust me! Make sure you press down each area of the paw. If it doesn't work out the first time, roll it up into a ball and start over. If your dog is wiggly, this will be the hardest part.
After you get a decent paw print you're happy with, it's time to decorate!! Start with the hole for the ribbon. You can do a circular hole with a nail of some sort or you can do a flat rectangular hole with a misc. object. The end of my spoon worked perfectly.
The decorations for the ornament are endless! You can use rhinestones, beads, carve your dog's name, make shapes out of sculpey, etc. I used a nail to carve the year "2010."
When you're all done decorating, bake the clay at 275 degrees in the oven. This piece took 6 minutes. Larger dogs will require bigger pieces of clay and will need to bake a little bit longer. Then glaze the ornament to give it that finished look and extra protection.
Let the glaze dry, string some ribbon through, and voila!! Time to hang that baby up on the tree for all to see.
Cheers to Holiday crafts!!!