Halloween DIY Dog Bed Coffin

Time to decorate for Halloween and we can't think of a better way than decking out the obvious pet items around the house.  Besides, every pet needs a coffin...er, I mean, bed.  We also used Mod Podge for the first time ever with great success, wouldn't you say?

You'll notice in the next photos the cardboard is black.  That's because I originally spray painted it black. The cardboard still looked so crappy.  Mod Podge to the rescue!!!  Mod Podge is a glue/finish/sealer all-in-one product that's pretty awesome.  Sealing fabric or paper to the sides will help hide all the imperfections of the cardboard too.

We used Mod Podge Wash Out for Kids (and for Mod Podge Virgins like myself?).  There's a lot of cool varieties out there, including Mod Podge Sparkle and Mod Podge Dimensional that we will get our hands on later.

Here's where you can get extra creative and use Mod Podge to decorate/seal the outside of the coffin.

There is no sewing involved in this bed.  Just cover the pillow and tuck the sides of the red fabric in.  Voila! 

As usual, Sebastian loves all of his projects made by his momma.  He jumped right in and got cozy...a little too cozy.

Check out more ways to use Mod Podge on their facebook page.

Find our post disclosure here.

Erika and Sebastian

Halloween DIY Bloody Bandana

Scary, right???  Good thing it's just a bandana.  Yep!  

Chances are, if you have a dog and you sew, you've probably made him or her a bandana before.  If not, no worries!  All the details for this pawesome NO SEW and bloody bandana is right here.

Cut a triangle shape out of red felt (or fleece).  You will need to know your dog's (or cat!) measurement for this.  Make sure the top part is 1-2" longer than your dog's neck.  Sebastian's neck is 11" so we cut a 13" triangle.  Then draw a curved neckline and draw "dripping blood."  See below photo.

And that's it.  This is perfect for dogs that hate to wear full-on costumes, don't ya think?

Erika and Sebastian

DIY Hostess CupCakes Pet Costume

Super easy DIY Hostess Cupcake costume from our dog coat tutorial!

We traced our curly frosting design with chalk first and used a ruler to keep a straight edge.  If you mess up, you just brush off the chalk with an old toothbrush and start over. 

Then we followed the chalk line with some white fabric paint (it took a couple of coats to suit our liking).  We brushed the paint on with a thin brush and then lined it up evenly with a half inch brush.

After the paint dries, follow the rest of the instructions for how to sew the coat together.

It's pretty much that simple!

Looks yummy to us.

Erika and Sebastian

Sebastian Proposed!

The rumors are true!  Sebastian proposed in Vegas and Leela said YES!

Leela has a lot to bark about because Sebastian went all out!

The 24 carat diamond ring was custom made for the one and only Leela from Ooh Leela!

Even the little blue box was something to bark about.

The little details count!

She "rocked" it.  BOL!!!

Are you thinking about proposing?  You can buy your own engagement ring here!

Erika and Sebastian

DIY Pet Coat Pattern - Sewing it Together!

This is part 2 of our coat tutorial.  To get your pattern pieces, visit our first tutorial on making the pattern here.

Since we are recycling junkies, we decided to make this coat from an old wool shirt.  And since the old wool shirt had pockets and a collar, we decided to incorporate those items (because how could we not?).  It's SEW easy!  Of course this coat can be made without a pocket or collar and still be cute (just skip those steps if not using extra items).

First things first: cut out all your pattern pieces.  

If you are using the shirt pockets and collar, keep following along.  If not, just skip the next two illustrations.

Now, anything you might add to the outside of the coat needs to be sewn on FIRST (i.e. pocket and collar).

If you are skipping pocket and collar, continue on here!

You are now ready to start sewing entire coat together!

Almost done!!!

How about adding some buttons from that shirt?

He's workin' that new coat.

Now flip that collar up and prepare to look bad@$$.

Erika and Sebastian

DIY Pet Coat Pattern

Yes, it's finally here...September!  The weather is cooling and our pets are ready for a new Fall wardrobe.  This is probably the easiest coat pattern you will find.  You can make it a lightweight raincoat, or a heavy snow coat with sherpa lining, you can add a hoodie or collar, you can add pockets....ohhhh, the possibilities.  eeekkkk!!!!

So, what do you need to make this pattern?  How about nothing but a paper bag, a pen, a ruler, and some scissors.  Oh, and a dog.  First things first when making a pattern...the measurements.

Measurement Instructions:
1. First measure around dog's neck and add one inch (this is for the velcro).  Sebastian is a 12, so 13 is good.
2. Measure along back from base of neck to base of tail.  Sebastian is a 10.
3. Determine desired length of jacket in front of neck. 3" long is perfect for Sebastian's size. 
4. Measure completely around mid-tummy/lower chest and back area.  Sebastian is a 15.

Now time to get drawing!

Belly Strap - This can be as thick or as thin as you want.  We did ours at 2.5" wide.  To determine how long it should be, follow below photo instructions.  

And after you get your belly strap piece drawn, we'll be adding 1/4" seam allowance around both pieces.

Now you are ready to cut out your pieces.  
You'll want to do a tester!  You can use fabric or another paper bag for this.

Staple belly straps (one on each side) of main body.  This is a good time to determine where exactly you want the straps to go...i.e., more higher or lower under the belly depending on your dog.  Belly straps will later have velcro and will overlap each other.

Then place the tester on your dog for a fitting.  I used tape to temporarily hold the neck and belly together .

Easy, right?!  

Did you see the raincoat we made using this pattern?

Click HERE for further instructions on sewing the garment together!

Erika and Sebastian

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