Sebastian Travels!!

Nothin' like traveling with your furry companion.

Taking the ferry that goes to and from Port Angeles, WA and Victoria, Canada all day.  Yes, all dogs are allowed on the ferry!!!!!!

In front of the Victoria, Canada Harbor.  Beautiful day!!!

And my favorite picture of the trip...Sebastian in front of the Canadian Parliament building.

Then off to the Victoria park.

 Sebastian spotted turtles, and ducks, and peacocks, oh my!!

Tired baby waiting for the ferry back to Washington.  The Empress in the background.

Back in Washington, we went on a little bike ride.  This path goes along the coast line and is just gooorgeous!

Enjoying the wind!  Sebastian fits snug in my hiking pack.  I carried him one way and the husband carried him on the way back.  

A little break.  This background looks a lot like California here!

Also had some fun at the La Push beach in Washington!

Now back home to 105 degree weather.  BLEH!!!!

Where has your pooch traveled?  We want to hear about it. =)

Erika and Sebastian


yuki and rocket said...

hey there, that is so cool you get to travel! that's also cool how you seem to behave off leash, in public. i haven't traveled anywhere so far, i'm not even 1 year old yet, but i know mom an dad will take me traveling eventually. love the photos!

DeeDee said...

Such a lucky little doggie... I so love your blog about sebastian.... :D my dog can only dream of such a good life....

The Doggie House Puerto Rico said...

OMG love all the photos Sebastian have a blast :) Hugs from Sylvette and Brighette

Angelina H said...

Sebastian is so cute in the backpack and I luv all the pics! ^.^

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,

What a great trip y'all had.

Sabastian, you look like you really enjoyed yourself!

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

Pup Fan said...

Looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

Well done Sebastian - you looked like you enjoyed your vacation. Loved the photos of you (my mummy says you look like a blonde version of me!).

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