
Good Day Sacramento

Last week, Sebastian and I had a segment on Good Day Sacramento with Tina Macuha!

We talked about our recycled pet fashions and DIY crafts.  Our shirt collar DIY was one of the most popular recycled crafts we've blogged about (probably because it's so stinkin' easy) so we did a demonstration of one on the air.

Watch our video here!

It was a lot of fun and a great experience.  I spent some time freaking out (just a little) in the guest waiting area while Sebastian relaxed in the big orange chair.

And then it was all over.  Just like that.  4 minutes on air seems like a split second, let me tell ya!

We drove off into the sunrise (hahaha, it seemed early) and spent some much-needed mother and son time in the Bay Area.

Here's Sebastian enjoying the breeze outside of Starbucks in San Francisco.

Erika and Sebastian


  1. Guys, you did a fantabulous job! I wish you guys had a regular TV show. Love your ideas! XO, Leela.

  2. you guys are both perfect movie stars...We love your ideas too... keep them coming.. thanks Erika and Sebastian...

  3. Very nice! I've been wanting to recycle some of my old clothes, but I'm just not very crafty nor can I sew :( Maybe that's something I should add to my "to do" list.

    Happy WW!

  4. How awesome they were playing Beastie Boys "She's Crafty" while you were making the collarette! WTG on the feature!!

  5. Great idea, Erika! You are so great at refashioning easy projects for dogs! You did a great job on your tv segment, too!

  6. Oh how awesome, congrats on the segment! Sebastian looks so daaper in his outfit!

    Sarah & Coco Bean XO

  7. Oh my gosh this is just the cutest thing! I love how creative you are (and I'm sure your dogs love it too!). I would never have thought that an old rug could be something so cute and so useful for your favorite pups! I'm definitely inspired... keep the ideas coming! Thanks!Buy now

  8. Wonderfull keep sharing Awesome post

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