
Chumlee...The Little Shark!

Chumlee is a chihuahua puppy who is celebrating his first Halloween this year! This is also the very first dog costume I've attempted so I had to share it with you guys.  I think it tuned out pretty cute.  

Chumlee's mom Becka and I designed our own pattern.  It was pretty simple!  Basically nothing but a hooded sweatshirt with teeth and fins.

Chumlee is wearing it to the Petsmart Halloween party next weekend!  Here's some more pics...he's just so darn cute!

And of course while I had Chumlee over, I tried a few of my new products on him.  Here's a bandana perfect for a baby chihuahua.

And yes...already time to start thinking about Christmas attire...

Here's the 3 wild boys together (Sebastian, Chumlee, and Tobey - Chum's big brother).  Getting this picture was a lot of work!!!

That's all for now.  Sebastian is waiting for his costume so gotta go!  Can you guess what he's going to be?


  1. I want a little shark! I have to make this for my little mutt! : )

  2. Good post it's amazing the knowledge you have in your Niche
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