
DIY Dog Hangers

Spring is here and Sebastian and I have been doing some spring cleaning.  I don't know about your pup, but Sebastian does not pick up after himself.  HA!  And his clothes are so plentiful that there's at least one shirt in every room of the house (my husband says that's because I'M the slob, not him).

I have quite the assortment of wire hangers.  I gathered up all of my white ones and decided to turn them  into dog hangers.  They work pretty well.

Does anyone else have a need for dog hangers or is this weird?  (just curious)


What you'll need:
I used a dog hanger from the store as a "model" for the slope in the wire hanger.

Cut the wire hanger at both sides of the bottom with wire cutters.

Create a new bend and fold the two bottom points in enough so that they touch.

If your bead does not fit over the wire with the coating, peel off some of the coating with one of these bad boys.

Put some glue inside the bead with a toothpick.

Stick the bead on so that it covers the edges (you don't want these rough edges catching onto the clothing!).

Let dry.  Voila!

Erika and Sebastian

Friday Finds: Dog Bowls

Happy Friday!!!
Welcome to the first edition of "super cool stuff" Sebastian and I have stumbled upon.

Vintage dog bowl feeder by VintageCrateFeeders

And it has storage!

Recycled Skateboard anyone?  By SkateDogStudios

Recycled Wine Barrel Dog Feeder by RockCreekFurnitureCo.  Too cool.

Get that imagination flowing and share your DIY pet projects with us on our facebook page.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Erika and Sebastian

Giving back In a "crafty" Kinda Way

Sebastian and I spent the day at our friend's house making these vests a few weeks ago.  These are vests the dogs can wear as they are being walked around at events or adoption centers.  The "Adopt Me" message lets everyone know they are looking for a home.  

We were able to get 8 vests done in 4 different sizes to donate to two local shelters.

  If you are looking for crafty ways to give back and you like this idea, here is the pattern we used:

This pattern is super easy to follow and I highly recommend it!  The only thing I didn't like was the size scale.  The largest size in this pattern (a medium) was still too small for dogs like Sebastian (he's only 10 pounds!).  But no worries...I just made up my own larger "medium" after creating the other sizes.

What are some ways you have donated or thought of donating to local shelters using your creative skills?  Share with us!

Erika and Sebastian

Furry Bunny Ears

Easter Bunny on Neighborhood Fence Watch.

These ears were super easy to make and can be added to a hoody, hat, name it!!  

We made them with fake fur this year using a roll of fur we found in the ribbon aisle of Joann Fabrics.  They also have black and tan!

Cut 4 strips (Sebastian's are 7" long).

Sew on some blue or pink fleece to the top of two of the strips like this:
(These are 4" long by 1" wide with a curved top)

Sew fur strips right sides together in a bunny ear shape and then turn them right side out like this:
(Bunny ear on left side is showing back side.  Front side has the blue strip)

Hand sew these bunny ears onto a hat and rock them out!
(Sebastian's hat was created from a hoody pattern I made with fleece)

You can view last year's Bunny Ears here:

Erika and Sebastian