
National Love Your Pet Day 2011

Sebastian and I declare a 3 day weekend for National Love Your Pet Day!!

We cuddled, we slept in until 7am (yeah), we pigged out on turkey meat, and we soaked up the sun at the dog park.

I also gave him the day off from wearing silly things.

What did you do?

Erika and Sebastian

Cupid Arrow Carrier!

Sebastian awaits his true love.


You'll need a paper towel roll, some paper, chop sticks, elastic, spray paint, paint pen, glitter and a belt.
I got extremely lucky because I had this red glitter belt laying around waiting to be transformed and it happened to wrap around Sebastian's body perfectly!  (If you don't have a belt that fits, you'll need to make a strap of your own)

Cut the roll to the desired length and cut out a round piece of sturdy paper to close the bottom of the roll.  Then glue it in place with a good glue, like Fabri-Tac.

Spray paint the roll black.  While waiting for it to dry, lay down the chop sticks on sturdy paper and draw out the desired shapes/sizes of the arrow heads.

Cut out the arrow parts, glue to the chopsticks and then spray paint them gold.

Now back to the black carrier while the arrows dry!  I used a white paint pen by Tulip to write "Love" and then sprinkled glitter.  

After the writing dries, line the top edge.  I used gold bias tape.  Make 4 slits in the back with a knife and pull the elastic thru.  You should have two pieces of elastic to keep the strap in place (hopefully this picture explains it better!).

And there you have it!

You'll have to get creative with how you wrap the belt/strap around your dog.  I did it two different ways:

1. Around the neck, criss cross under the chest, between the arms and connecting back over (shown in first picture at the top of this post).  

2. Diagonal over the chest, diagonal under the chest between the arms and then bring together at the waist like an actual belt (shown in next picture).  

I apologize if this is confusing!!  Sebastian's hair seems to hide the majority of the belt.

Oooooooh, he already busted out an arrow!  Though he's looking at a squirrel.  Hummmm.

Erika and Sebastian

Make a Cheesehead Hat!

The Challenge: Cheesehead Hat

The Reason: Superbowl Sunday!!!  Gooooo Packers!!

The Victim: Sebastian

Want your own cheesehead hat?!?!

Here's How:

You'll need foam, yellow spray paint, elastic string, and 2 small paperclips

Carve the shape of the cheese with a knife.  Then make the "holes" by gently pressing the foam with your fingertip in random areas.

Spray paint that bad boy!!!  Might need many coats to get rid of that green.  In fact, I never entirely got rid of the green.  

Here is a look at the bottom.  I pressed in an area for Sebatian's head, but this step is optional.  I BENT the paperclips and pressed them into the foam in a manner preventing them from pulling back out (bend and curve the clip, insert straight up and then turn).  Tie the elastic around the paperclips (do that before insterting the clip) and voila!!

Time to get that camera out, share some smiles, and enjoy the game!!!

***Please be aware this is not a finished craft that will last very long!  The foam didn't hold up as well as I had hoped, but it'll last long enough to take a cute picture.

Gooooo PACKERS!!!!!

Heart Shade Contest!

I am so excited to present to you my 4 SUPER adorable heart shade contestants for my Valentine's Day giveaway!!!

Please join in on the fun and cast your vote at the top right of this blog!

About the contestants:

Bentley: 2 years old 
Lives in Fort Worth, TX
Loves to play fetch and hang out in the shop

Lola: 2 years old
Lives in Prior Lake, MN
Loves the dog park and her Nyla bone

Cooper: 4 years old
Lives in Prior Lake, MN (Lola's brother!)
Loves tug-o-war and snuggling

Ginger: 13 years old (!)
Lives in Fresno, CA
Loves to eat and sleep

The winner will get to choose one of these handmade squeaker bone toys:

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Erika and Sebastian

Poll closes 2/8/11 at 11:59pm Pacific Time